Thursday, September 4, 2014

Nivea "All Day All Night", Body Serum Night Whitening

Hi everybody,

who doesn't know Nivea?! A brand that has been available for around 3 decades in Indonesia got their brand sets in the world of body lotion. I know and used the creme, Nivea Soft and other varieties throughout the years.

Recently they come up with body serum that help whitens the skin, one for night usage and the other for day usage. The one for the day comes with an UV protection of a light SPF while the Body Serum Night Whitening has a 10 in 1 benefits of a whitening effect.


All Day, All Night.
Formula serum yang menutrisi kulit lebih baik di malam hari dengan penetrasi lebih dalam sehingga memberikan perbaikan dan mengembalikan kelembaban kulit secara efektif.
Dengan kandungan 10 nutrisi terbaik untuk kulit, NIVEA Night Whitening Body Serum memberikan 10 manfaat kebaikan untuk kulit dalam 1 kemasan.
Keunggulan NIVEA Night Whitening Body Serum:
  • Mencerahkan kulit 10x lebih baik
  • Kulit tampak lebih cerah
  • Kulit terasa halus
  • Kulit lembab yang tahan lama
  • Melembabkan hingga ke bagian dalam kulit
  • Meratakan warna kulit
  • Mengembalikan kulit seperti semula
  • Memelihara kesehatan kulit
  • Hidrasi kulit yang tahan lama
  • Membantu mencegah kulit kering

Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya

Konsentrat serum yang diperkaya oleh ekstrak Licorice & Pear Powder/Bubuk Mutiara mempenetrasi hingga ke bagian bawah kulit sehingga membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah dari dalam. Gingseng & Vitamin E berfungsi mempercepat proses perbaikan kulit yang rusak karena disebabkan oleh sinar matahari dan cuaca buruk serta memelihara kesehatan kulit dengan kandungan pelembab yang membuat kulitmu terasa lembut.


Inside the Body Serum Night Whitening contains:
    • Vitamin E Acetate
    • Sodium Ascobylphosphate
    • Hydra IQ
    • Lotus
    • Ginseng
    • Pearl Powder
    • Alga
    • Glycerol
    • Rucinol
    • Licorice
    • Anti-Melanin Complex


Inside the press kit, two other products are included, my favorite body lotion in blue, the Intensive Moisture, and the other one is the body lotion for day time, UV Extra Whitening.


The highlight is of course, the Body Serum Night Whitening, a product that are made to be used at night helping the skin to gets brighter while the sun is sleeping.

The white lotion is light and absorbed into the skin almost instantly, no greasy nor oily effect felt. I really like the softness it brings. The scent is a bit too much for me but the velvety and smooth result is wonderful. Usually a body lotion made for normal to dry skin type can be overwhelmingly sticky or greasy, this lotion is neither of those.


At this point everyone must have known the side effect of the UV to our skin during the day, hence we use sun protection that protects our skin, and most of us pay attention only to the face. Nivea launched products to help protects the skin on the body from the sun during the day, and night.


Whether you stay indoor or outdoor, during day or night time, Nivea can help your skin become fairer. The ingredients inside each lotions contains beneficial ingredients that help the skin to stay hydrated, moist, supple, without being greasy, and finally, even out the skin tone for an overall better looking complexion.

Thank you so much Nivea Indonesia.

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