Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Queeny Aura Bod Lotion SPF 50 PA +++

Hello lovelies,

This is the last of Muku Group products sent to me from last year.

It's Queeny Aura, a body lotion that does so much more, with high SPF power and it's instant whitening effect.


With UVA and UVB Protection, the body lotion conceal wrinkles, spots and other imperfection on the body. One more thing, it is waterproof too, so it is usable when we go on swimming during the day. A lot of sun screen on the market are usually doesn't stand a change against the water, this one pretty tough.


Apply the pinkist white lotion all over the body around 15 minutes before exposing them to the sun, the lotion is kinda thick and creamy too but doesn't feels heavy. I need to time to apply it since it is thick but it's kinda like applying base makeup for the body, it felt powdery as well.


The scent is mild and the differences are seen instantly upon using the lotion.

As the image shown below, the skin appear fairer, poreless, and like using a pantyhose or edited with a soft focus. I think this lotion is a BB Cream for the body.

Aside from it's sun protecting ability, the lotion can be used prior to wedding or photo-shoot so you'll get that bride-like effortless beauty with a fair and smooth skin appearance. Just add some body powder for a much softer focus effect and velvet, silky, plus powdery look.


What do you think? Do you want to try it?


Join #CarnellinGiveaway on instagram now. 


  1. Wow SPF 50++? Ga lengket ya? Jadi penasaran, biasa aku sehari2 naik motor jadi butuh banget sunblock dengan SPF tinggi, kayaknya bagus deh produk ini

  2. Kyaaaaa~ I want this body BB Cream. Lol :D

  3. Wohooo waterproof juga kyaaa cocok bgt dipake utk sunblock ya sissy? Wkwk. I really want this Body Lotion♥ Oiya sis, ini juga katanya cocok bgt buat dipakai ke kondangan/ketemu sama si doi efek aura putihnya langsung bgt bikin kulit dewy look yakk, loveable bgt hihi xx

  4. Kak aku join giveaway nya kaka... alesan aku pengen nyoba produk ini karena aku sering panas-panasan dan lotion ini mengandung spf tinggi jadi cocok untuk melindungi kulit aku dari sinar matahari. Kulit aku cenderung gelap dan lotion ini mengandung extra glutation untuk mencerahkan kulit aku yang gelap dan kusam... aku ingin mencobanya kak...

  5. I really want to try rhis body lotion since indonesia has prerty much sunshine which is hatmfull for our skin. I want to try the whitening effect of this product, and would also have the protection from UV rays of this body lotion. Wish me very best luck in the giveaway ^^

  6. Salmon birght by muku...memang the best product. Sekarang di Indonesia banyak yg pakai juga produk ini. Oh my god i hope i win your giveaway hehe 😊 ingin sekali mencoba produk muku yaitu salmon bright yg terkenal memberikan perawatan wajah istimewa agar lebih cantik lg dan membersihkan jerawat yg ada.Manfaatnya sangat banyak sekali untuk wajah para perempuan indonesia😊

  7. Muku Brand emang paling the best dari produk pendahulunya yaitu Salmon Bright dan Honey Wax sampe Queeny Aura yang teranyarr ini, why I want Queeny Aura? Yep bc this body lotion is amazing x awesome wkwk, selain bikin kulit jadi cantik sekaligus melindungi kulit dari paparan sinar mentari wkwk and it really suits on Asian skin, bikin kulit kita dewy look dan yg terpenting waterproof, utk yg muslim setelah wudhu gak usah pake body lotion lagi deh kalo sissy pake Queeny Aura hihi xx And I love the way Sissy Carnellin reviewed it! I love your blog!♥♥♥ Wish me luck xx

  8. Wah cocok bngt ya buat kita-kita yg aktivitasnya bnyk di outdoor. Plus ini waterproof jd gak perlu repot lagi deh dipake berenang juga�� dengan spf tinggi aman deh lama-lamaan di terik matahari. Nice review ka�� jd mau coba, semoga menang di giveaway kak❤ sukses terus ya ka��

  9. Suka baca review kakak tentang lotion ini. Packagingnya warna pink lucu banget. Hasilnya putih instant dan tahan air itu amazing banget, ditambah lagi udah ada spf nya wah jadi makin oke deh lotion ini. Harus banget punya lotion queen aura ini. O iya kak aku ikutan giveaway kakak di instagram, id aku @dee.vry
    Makasih kak review nya
