Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nature Leaves Mask and HELLO's Night Serum

Hello, hello, helloooooo ^__^

Here's another products from Indonesia that seems to be getting attentions for being natural, no known harmful chemicals inside.

Nature Leaves Mask and HELLO's Night Serum.


  • Semua Produk Nature Leaves hanya tahan maksimal 6 bulan dikarenakan kami tidak memakai alcohol maupun pengawet alami/buatan
  • Untuk Cara Pakai Masker : Cuci muka kamu terlebih dahulu menggunakan sabun. Lalu Ambil 1 sdt campurkan 2 sdm air hangat/air biasa/air mawar .Oleskan ke wajah diamkan 15 menit dan bilas tanpa sabun. (tekstur tidak kental tidak terlalu cair)

Above are the details given from the producer.


The powder will become so green after adding some water and we can simply use it accordingly, watery if you want a mask that doesn't feels too rich nor too much, rather thick if you want a mask that helps controlling the sebum.

And during those special times of the month when the acne erupted, I use the mask only on those dots. It's help the drying and healing process faster.


You can also apply it on certain areas and not all over the areas, like on the T-zone.

My skin is pretty much dry and I think the mask will benefit those who are oily and acne prone.


The mask will dries up after around 10-15 minutes and will turns pale again like they are once a powder.

I rinse it off and the skin feels a bit tight. I need to re 'rinse' using micellar water damped in a cotton pad. There's some greens left on the pad.

The mask is good for revitalizing the skin, making them brighter and firm.


Fungsi HELLO'S

Memperbaiki Lapisan kulit dari dalam!
Mencerahkan, melembabkan kulit
Kaya kandungan vitamin A, C, dan E
Tinggi aAntioksidan
Menutrisi Kulit dengan alami
Menghaluskan Kulit
Membantu perbaikan sel-sel kulit yang rusak akibat polusi
Anti aging
Membantu menenangkan jerawat :)

Netto : 25 ml 
Price : Rp. 180.000 / pc Namun bisa
Dipakai untuk 4 bulan loh.
Direction use : Every Single Night (dihabiskan dalam waktu maksimal 6 bln krn tdk pakai pengawet)

Cara Pakai Sebelum Tidur Malam :
1. Cuci Wajah dengan sabun. Keringkan.
2. Ambil 3 tetes HELLO'S ke telapak tangan, gosok kedua telapak tangan untuk menghangatkannya, kemudian TEKAN permukaan wajah dengan telapak tangan, Jidat, Dahi, Pipi, Bibir dan area seluruh wajah dengan tekanan lembut.
3. Tepuk-tepuk kepada area wajah yang sudah ditekan lembut, Dengan cara tekan dan tepuk seperti ini, kulit dapat menyerap produk lebih baik. JANGAN aplikasikan seperti cream wajah krn hal ini membuat HELLO'S tdk dapat menyerap dengan sempurna.
4. Aplikasikan cream malam sesukamu ( jika ada) Jika tdk ada ?dengan HELLO'S sudah cukup loh utk merawat kulitmu.
5. Tinggal Tidur deh, HELLO'S bekerja saat kamu tidur hingga 10 Jam


It was a clear oil, but I brought mine during a trip in Ciwidey, it was 15 degree Celsius there and look what happen to the oils, it got 'frozen'. I suspect due to the main ingredients of the product, which is coconut oil. So it is unusable? Nope, just put some on the palm and they'll melt instantly due to the warmth.

I use it after cleaning my skin and use a hydrating toner to keep the skin damp. Then using the 'oiled' palm, I press on every side of my skin. It felt good and for dry skin owner like me, it was a bliss. The oils kept my skin from being dehydrated. I top it off with a moisturizer.

The moist effect is felt until the next morning.

During traveling, my skin got dries up easily than normal, but with HELLO's Night Serum, my skin stays moist and happy during the whole trip. 


Since the skin stays moist, makeup also felt comfortable for long wear. Those with oily skin might not a fan at first, but use it on night time to see the results in the morning.

I can use it on day and night since my skin is dry, and adding a bit to my foundation, add that lovely hint of glow.

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